Just stumbled upon this again.... hehehe. It's interesting. I totally remember it tho. hehe. was tough to get through, but with God's help, i did. Forgave the people i had to forgive too. :D That was a long time ago na. :P
Something a freind told me
Today, my problem was there again. Right in front of my face. My problem isn't what it used to be. It used to be about me, and what was going on with me. But now, it's about ... some else. the other person. It's not that complicated actually, it's just frusterating. It was kinda messing with me, but i didn't think about it. I did my best not to think about it. Of course i couldn't pretend like it wasn't there.
Anyway, during praise and worship, i remembered something a friend texted me when i was feeling bad. She said, "Just keep everything focused on God, Matt. I'm sure the complications won't seen that complicated anymore. I'm doing the same for me. :) Good night. :)" Focusing on God. Just changing my focus changes a lot. I know that God has a reason that He lets everything happen. Maybe He's teaching me a lesson through this problem. Maybe He's teaching the other people involved a lesson too. this person tells me this a lot. Tells me to focus on God. It's always a good reminder.
Someone at camp told me during the bonfire, "Just pray about it, cause there's nothing else you can really do." I know that that is the expected answer, but he is right. I need to pray about it. Pray that it won't mess me up, pray that it won't mess the other person up, and pray that it will all work out in the end.
But we are talking about focus here. By doing this, i am still focusing on the problem. It's hard not to. I just need to remember that not everything should be about this. It should be about God. My life should be all about God, and what he wants for me.
I've been thinking about all the band practice and missions team work i've been doing lately. It's al for Him. All for God. That's why i do it, even though i'm tired. Even though i don't wanna practice anymore or tutor anymore. God gave me all these talents, and it's only right that i give it back to Him.
To the people who texted me and told me those things up there, thanks. You guys know who you are. Thank you so much for being there. i know we don't talk much, but you mean a lot to me as friends. Hope we can bond more in the future. :D I thank God for blessings like you.