Friday, February 27, 2009

Cross Marks the Spot: Behind the Scenes

Here's pics of us making the props and stuff. A few pics also of when we set up the props na.

Cross Marks the Spot - Jee's Performance

The last part is bitin by a few seconds cuz my phone ran out of memory.

Good-bye Cross Marks the Spot

So cross marks the spot is OVER. And to be honest, i thought it was our best valentine's party yet! The "games" were simple and encouraged bonding, the bands were awesome, the food was great for once, and PH and Ate Pristine gave a great message.

But anyway, imma back it up a bit. The whole week the designs team was working frickin' hard on the designs. As in they would start at like 1 and end at 9 everyday. Although i wasn't able to help as much as i wanted to (classes eh :( ) I still got to help out naman. Everyday after school i'd go to church and find that everyone is so sabaw na and that they've already accomplished so much for that day. Seriously, way to go SPEV! All the designs looked AWESOME and we made so many!

Nats, Jon, Maow, Majar, Luigi, Racky, Jasper, Didi, Justine, and the others who helpped out, nice working and bonding with you guys! I guess all that planning actually paid off i the end huh? ;) :p

Our set up time this year was faster too. Last year, at OKTR, it took the WHOLE DAY. not kidding. This year it only took like 2 hours. Thanks to Liam also who helpped us set up on the day itself.

What else? Jee sang! :D she made pa-cute pa while singing :)) Good job! I'll upload the vid. Oh, and the walk the plank and love notes were actually fun this year :D LIAM in demand :P Costumes were cool too! i think maow's was the coolest tho. And im not just being bias :))

MCDO after party with the Curas, Majar, and Eric. :D

Awesome night. Great fun. Thank you Lord. :) wooohooo! Till next year guys!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lego Jumper

Our Stop Motion video is finished! We actually practically shot most of it in december but we took a while to finish after school started. This is the first vid were we did a little bit of paneling/framing or whatever its called. Like zooming in a bit on certain clips. There's a lot of lighting issues tho. Anyway yeah. :P Hope you enjoy it! Comments!

Valentine's Weekend

Woohoo! Valentine's weekend is over! and let me just say that it was awesome :D

It all started out with the missions team outreach. I had seriously been losing sleep over it (literally) for the past week. To the point that i couldn't even think straight at times. Let me explain why for a moment.

It all started out with the bazaar. We had to raise funds for this outreach. but not just a simple amount of funds, but P9000! O_O that's a LOT! anyway, by God grace, and by some means still unknown to me, we raised 19,000 O_O I have no freaking idea how cuz i know from the 2 days of bazaar, we only made like 9500.

Anyway, God is good like that. through my quiet times he had been telling me that i have to remember that i am serving an awesome God and that even if there are obstacles (a lot of them) He will help me through it He wont take it away, but He will help me through it. Been reading Nehemiah. :)

Anyway, we had some more issues pa with the place and with the program but it eventually all pulled together. Here's a blog post im gonna post on the youth live website about the outreach.


" On Saturday Feb 14 (Yes, Valentine’s Day) the Missions team did an outreach to Golden Acres. You guys probably remember the bazaar we recently held to raise funds for this outreach. I’m glad to say that through that bazaar and a few other supports, we were able to raise enough money for everything. :D We were able to buy biscuits and lunch for all 220 of the old people

Anyway, we had lots of people to help out during this outreach. We had about 15 youth and 6 adults. A group of us went ahead to Golden Acres that morning to set things up while another van waited for the other youth at GCF.

When we arrived, we had a few problems with the sound system. It kept on dying cuz it was running on battery. The plug seemed to not really be working. So we worked on it and eventually it just kicked in by itself. Thank God because I don’t know what we would have done without it.

Once all the old people were seated, we started the program. Jem demonstrated a song and dance and Dencor taught the old people a song and dance as well. Afterwards, two lola’s even performed it with us. We then entertained them with song numbers by Nicah, Jee, and Phoebe.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly, except for one thing. PH was not there yet. We were just about out of program and he said he was still on his way. Thankfully, the host of our program, Kate, found out that the old people there like to sing too….A LOT.


So we let them take turns singing songs until PH showed up. During the message, they all seemed very attentive and a lot of them even prayed along with PH to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior.

I’m sure that in this outreach a lot more went on then I am aware of. All the youth were busy entertaining, distributing food, and even bringing food to the lolos and lolas who were bed ridden. You could really see in their eyes how appreciative they were for what we were doing for them. Best of all was the fact that they got to hear the gospel message.

I was really amazed at how God provided everything for us to be able to do His work. Through all the obstacles and difficulties, He was always faithful. I can truly say that He taught me how to depend on Him more and to trust in Him alone. Praise God for everything!"



So after the outreach I just felt soooooooooooooo...unburdened :)) seriously. I went to timezone with Jamie, Vishnu, Phoebe, Jem, and Justine. After that i went home and took a shower and accedentaly fell asleep for 2 hours :))

Then i went to worship and got to talk to didi for a bit, which was fun cuz i havent talked to her in a while. :)

After worship we went to dinner at galle and then went to play LEFT 4 DEAD. :)) The whole shop ended up being GCFers. :P 3 sets of 4. I played with Luj, Jamie, and Eric. We almost finished episode . We were at the waiting for the helicopter part. Anyway we ended at like 11 na. Me and Luj were that last GCFers in the shop :P

Today, some people watched Memento in our house. Maow and Liam played Gears of War 2. after that me, maow, didi, and justine, went to megamall to watch Boyce Avenue. It was fun too. :) They did a mash up of Bleeding Love and Apologise. It was cool :D hahaha. Bumped into Ian P Eug and Ate Osie (spelling?) after.

So now im just really happy. hehehe. wiiiiiiiiiii-

LEFT 4 DEAD + BOYCE AVENUE = Happy Valentine's Day Matt!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Wala lang. I was just bored and wanting to photoshop some stuff. Used a pic of Didi. Tried practicing hair color changes. I ended up also changing clothes colors and touching up make up and eyes a bit :)) Anyway, yeah :P It was fun hehe

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I really like this song :P

"Right to write me off"by Amber Pacific

Anyway, i can't sleep cuz i slept all day na. Im taking advantage of this moment when i dont feel so sick. :P hehehe.

"Can we make this last forever
With every word we're growing distant
And I feel as though I have to let you know

It's growing old to see us torn by every choice that I have made
In every instance you were right to write me off and move ahead
And I think I'd let you down, I'd throw it all away
I never meant to break it up or make you feel this way

It's getting colder through these walls that seem to thin to break us now
A perfect ending still in line though it seems our time is running out
Just a call from you, won't make this go away
I've never felt this day would come, I'll never be the same

Can we make this last forever
With every word you're growing distant
And I feel as though I have to let you go
Can we make this time together
Seem as though we never started
And it's hard to be the only one to know

Through opened eyes I sense a feeling painted black that lines your heart
It's bleeding through just like the colors that I've seen right from the start
And if I had the choice to do this all again
Would you be inclined to notice it or would you just pretend

Can we make this last forever
With every word you're growing distant
And I feel as though I have to let you go
Can we make this time together
Seem as though we never started
And it hurts to be the only one to know

Remember how we used to be
(How we used to be)
Remember how we used to be
(How we used to be)

Can we make this last forever
With every word you're growing distant
And I feel as though I have to let you go
Can we make this time together
Seem as though we never started
And it's hard to be the only one to know

Can we make this last forever
With every word you're growing distant
And I feel as though I have to let you go
Can we make this time together
Seem as though we never started
And it's hard to be the only one to know"

Awwwwwww. :))

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Im buuuuuuuuuuuurning :(

Had a fever since yesterday. I already felt bad and then i went to PE pa. Good thing i did tho because it was midterms :))

Anyway, got a fever and up till now IM BURNING. My eyes are burning, my body is burning, you get the point. I need to get well asap cuz i have to prepare for the missions team stuff. not only that but i have to study for a midterm on friday. Oh well.

waaaah. I was asked to p[lay in worshiip team pa but i cant/ but thats a different story :P :))

thats it!