Monday, May 24, 2010

Club Manila East Pics XD

didn't take much cuz we were swimming most of the time :P ehehehe

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Things dreams remind you of

As kids, we are always taught to say sorry. When we do something bad to someone else, parents always tell you "go say sorry". I think that's already where we start getting confused. I'm not saying that the way our parents taught us was wrong. It's great that they taught us to say sorry, but sometimes saying it isnt enough.

When we sin, we also say sorry to God. I think that's where the problem is. Saying you're sorry and being sorry are two different things. If you say you're sorry for something, you will do it again. But if you ARE sorry for something, you won't do it again. 

This morning, God reminded me of a time i disobeyed Him. and because of that, i lost something that meant a lot to me. God can give it back. But He can also not give it back. I guess the point is, this morning i told Him i was sorry for it. I didn't just say that I'm sorry. I AM sorry. because i see now how right He was. And im....wrong. Most of the time, we always bank on the fact that God will always give us another chance, and that when we say we're sorry everything will just go back to how it was. Well, maybe most of the time, but sometimes i think God has to remind us what it truly means to be sorry.

Just so you guys know, i didn't do anything really bad, k? Anything you can think of or might be thinking of...that's not it. Nothing that will make people stumble. It was just a clear word from God that i chose to disobey. not the kind that i just disobeyed without thinking, but the kind where i remembered what God said, weighed the choices, and chose to disobey Him. and for that, i am sorry. 

Some lessons hurt. We need to stop saying we're sorry to God, and start BEING sorry for when we mess up. Because if we don't, God might just need to remind us of what the difference is. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Pickguard for dash!

Thanks to james for finding it for me. :D

Dash, you look just like i dreamed you would! :>