Friday, September 1, 2006

A really late "goodbye millenium"

Sat jam last week was soooooo much fun.  Not many people came though, but still there were a good ammount.  Decorating was fun.  Except for those star stickers! aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! no one could peel them off easily. :))  It was fun emceeing.  It was kinda hard in the begining, but Jason helped us out.  he's really used to being an emcee.  Like at Jeff's bday last year! hahaha.  Happy birthday Jeff!  and then the games worked out well. We had two broke back couples dance :))  BJ also did a great job with the lesson.  I was a bit sad that i didn't get in many pictures. :(  I was too busy doing my job! But that's alright.

Afterwards, angel asked me to saty and watch her play in quest.  I would have, but my parents were coming to get me already.  that and i had to wake up early the next day for church. 

Sunday was another great day.  We had really great praise and worship in all of the services.  I'm glad i atteneded all of them.  Vesper ygroups was really good too.  I learned a lot from it. got to sit with jasper and angel during ygroups and najee during service. it was a great vesper. :D

I'm gonna miss millenium a lot.  Just reading all of the post its up there reminded me of a lot of the cool things we had done there.  let me just name a few my good memories. :D

1. Last sunday i walked to mini stop for the first time. :)

2. This one time, was locked out of the youth center for like 3 hours.  Cause my parents had to drop me off early for band training, then we started late.

3.  one time P.Ro called me to ask me if i could join practice for the youth sunday skit.  Then when we went there, pam and najee were there too. we played guesstures and me, maow, and beat the girls so badly! hahahaha!

4. Just last sunday, before vesper, maow and jasper were playing swat team in front of the store next to us.  We even got a picture of it.  I think the guy sitting inside was kinda freaked out when i took the picture. :))

5. I met angel there during one my first missions team meetings. :D

6. One sunday, between the 11am and vesper, me, pao, amd tim, put up all the pictures that spell YOUTH L.I.V.E.

7. One saturday, P.Ro dropped me and najee off at the youth center and it was locked. It was also raining really really hard. :D

8. i started attending 9am ygroups.

9. vesper ygroups started! :D

10. Justin and I tried to play billiards once and it took us like 45 minutes to finish it!

Hahaha. Goodbye Millenium!

1 comment:

  1. Whatever happened to..
    "Seeing Najee be so fascinated over a tiny little mouse?" xD

