Today startd out ok. I went with my parents to the Messiah thingy and took pictures. It was fun being a photographer. :)
At 12:30, i left to go to galle. I had to walk maow there cause he had to go to choir. For me, i went to GCF to see all the leaders who were going on their retreat. I went there cuz i wanted to see angel before they left, but when i got there, they were all in the bus already. She saw me and waced, but that's all i got. I was supposed to go with them, but there were 3 things that made me not go. i'll get to those in a bit.
So i went back to galle to kill time till 2:30. I was supposed to meet najee for lunch with her mom, but she couldn't make lunch. But we were still gonna meet at 2:30. So anyway, i killed time by walking around till 2:30, then i was waiting for her to text me where we would meet...... NO text. So i waited....No text. so then i texted Ams to tell me when she would be at the youth center cause i had to meet her for a missions team meeting at 3:30.
So then, i sat in the food court till about 3. Naj never texted. So i was thinking to myself that there was no time left to do anything with her if she didn;t come soon. So i waited and waited. I literally walked in circles around galle till 3:30. Then that was it. There was no waiting anymore. I had to go meet ams.
I was pretty bummed cause one of the reasons i stayed was to meet with najee. I was supposed to join her and her mom one time, but i couldn't so this was supposed to be me making up for it. But.....It's didn't happen.
Then while i was walking to gcf, i get a call. And it's najee saying that she left her cellphone at home so she wasn;t getting my texts and she was sorry she couldn;t make it. But she was still coming to the missions team meeting anyway.
So i go t to GCF and as usual, the Youth Center was locked. So i had to go down and tell them to open it. It took em like 15 minutes, but they got it open eventually.
The second reason i didn;t go was cuz of this meeting. We really needed to plan something. But for some reason i couldn't get my head in the meeting. And jam didn't seem to like my ideas. And i dunno. It wasn;t that good. I really felt like a bad leader for not being able to handle that simple meeting.
Najee told me she was really sorry about what happend. I knew she already felt bad so i just told her it was ok. It really wasn't so bad, it was just.....disappointing. Oooooh, and najee, if you're reading this, it's ok. Really. Things like that happen. :) I forgive you k? :D
Once everyone left, i just waited in the YC for my parents. I finished up the stuff we didn't do at the meeting... It was sad for me cuz i was doing it by myself... But it was ok. i know not everything is supposed to be fun. it also made me feel bad cuz Ams ditched her friends to come to that meeting, and thats the kind of meeting it turned out to be.
Then, when my parents finally got me, did they ask how my day was? no. They just talked about their day.... I didn't want to bring up my day anyway. :|
So yeah. 1 reason i skipped the retreat didn't push through, and the other one didn't go well. i kept thinking about "what if i just went." but you know what? i'll get over it.
The last and final reason i didn;t go to the retreat was cuz maow and i are watching cyber sunday tomorrow. It's a WWE thing and sunday is the last showing. I don;t wanna risk being late for it cause we talked about watching this for a long time. We've missed a lot of the PPVs already cuz i always had something. So this one should be good!
So even though my day wasn't good, i know that God made me have it for a reason. I dunno what it is, but God uses everything.
ANGEL! Tell me all about it k? :D
You know, when i woke up this morning i was gonna delete this blog cause i didn't want you to feel bad when you read it. But i guess i was too late :( Don't feel bad k?