Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tagged by Najee

Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about him/herself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you've tagged tagged them in their Guestbook and tell them to read your blog.

1. I find it very fun and relaxing to cook

2. I dont like watching movies on TV. Even if it's a DVD. I only like watching them in the theater.

3. When i get REALLY into what i'm watching on TV, i shout at the TV. (only happened 3 times: Amazing Race Finals, Edge Vs Cena at NYR 2006, and Edge Vs Cena after edge won the battle royal. I CANT BELIEVE CENA KICKED OUT AFTER AN RKO!!!!!!!)

4. I can do more things in a day when i have school. During the summer it's harder to get things done.

5. I'm sentimental and keep everything, but i missplace them all the time! hahaha.

6. I dont like reading much... only if the story is really interesting.


I Tag:

Sjay, Luigi, Nix, Jem, Jamie, and Alyssa


Friday, May 25, 2007


You know how if you take a whole lotta food, and blender it, it's kinda gross right?  For example,  Soup, coke, burger, fries, egg, hotdog, adobo, pizza, icecream, etc...  If you were to drink the blended stuff, you wouldn't be able to tell apart one food from the other.  They'd just all taste terrible and like a little bit of each.  Of course you're be able to tell with likes chunks or burger and stuff. You wouldn't know what you were drinking if you didn't see what went into it.

Well let me explain my point now.  I guess my feelings are kinda like that too.  There are just so many feelings.  Some are even contradictory feelings. Mixing them all together, it's weird and i dont know what i feel.  I'm not just talking about girls here or whatever, although that's a part of it.  I'm talking about a lot of things.

There are a few feelings that i can tell what they are.  Then there are a few that i can tell what they are, but i dont know why i feel that way.  Then there are some things where i'm trying to figure out what i'm really feeling. It's hard. I know i need to figure it out, but i dont know where to start.  It's like unblendering all the foods again.  (not as impossible ad that but you get the idea).  It's gonna be hard figuring out what is what. And worse than that, why it is what it is.

It's like my common sense, my feelings, and mind are fighting.  My common sense tells me that i know exactly what i feel and i dont need to rethink it. My feelings tell me that i'm either lying to myself or i feel both things at the same time. And my mind wants to do what God wants me to do. 

sometimes i think that thinking makes it worse and just blends it more... :|

ok... that's it for now... time to start unblendering....

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Well... i haven't had a good queit time in a long time.  And there's no excuse for that. P Ro challenged me to read Phillippians for the next 30 days, so that's what i'm gonna try to do.

So i did my QT yesterday... it was good.  It was about the way we pray for people.  Paul had this really nice prayer that i prayed for all of my friends that morning.  It's in Phil 1: 9-11. it says "And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and prais of God"

Then my QT today was about giving God glory in all situations.  It was about Paul and how he was in prison. He said that some people are preaching more now that he is in jail, and others are preaching because they are envious of others.  But either way, God's word is being spread and Paul rejoyced for that.  And he also said to live is Christ and to die is gain.  Through living, he can give glory to God in all that he does, and through dying, he can give glory to God in heaven.  then he goes on saying that we should stand strong against all oppositions because that is how we show them that God is with us. We will never lose if we are doing what God wants us to do. What do i mean by "not lose"? I dont mean we will win all our fights. Paul got thrown in jail, beaten up, and shipwrecked a whole bunch of times.  But by not losing means that we will be able to reach our goal: Giving God all the glory.

I listened to a bunch of praise and worship music too. hehe. I did this for 55 mins.. wich even seemed bitin pa.  I guess it was the first time that God's Wrd was making sense to me in a long time.  Keeping this on my mind, about giving God glory in everything, I hope this helps me to change the way i act and the way i think.

i know this blog is kinda getting a bit long, but let me share this story to you. Last sunday, i had to man the booth for the missions team at the 11am service cuz jamie couldn't. So then i had to miss the play of the Tan brothers. And i kept telling myself it was for God. And i was ok with it.  Someone donated a box of books and stuff.  So then, i was there again at the 3 with najee.  this has been my routine for the past MONTH. sitt at the booth till past 1, eat lunch. go back at 4:00 and wait for the 3pm to end.  Then attend vesper and let someone else do the booth. Then get the money from them at the end and give it to ate chette during the week.

So for the past month i had been doing that and this was finally the last week of it.  While i was there with najee, saki and hann came. Najee asked saki to donate and he said he'll do it next week.  THen i told him this was our last week to do it na.  And he was like "but you guys said 27th was the last."  Then i realized that there was one more week pa to do.  Sit there again while all my friends get to attend ygroups and hang out after while i sit there and wait for people to give.  So then i told them i was going up na cuz the 3pm people were gone already.  Najee ran after me cuz she could tell something was wrong, so i told her i was just so tired of doing this.  When i got up out of the elevator i felt even worse. Why?  Because the whole way up i was thinking about what Paul did and what Jesus went through and here i am complaining that i cant hang out with my friends and i have top sit at a booth.  What kind of complaint is that?  It's a STUPID ONE! I felt out of place with my friends for that whole day, but i guess God was teaching me something.

How can i bring God glory through my thoughts and actions? By putting Him first and showing Him that He means as much to me as i say He does.

-Oh, ate chette told me we've surpassed our goal in the collection for the Mission Education so we wont be doing a booth next week afterall. I'd just like to thank everyone who donated because we are supporting God's workers. =) -

"All we are is Yours
And all we’re living for
Is all You are
Is all that You are"

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Missions 360

Wow... what an event it was! God is so good! Most of you are probably thinking, "what is he talking about? It was good, but it wasn't THAT good." Well let me explain.

In january 2007, the missions team started planning for our 2 projects: Missions 360 and Mission Education.  We really focused on Mission Education a lot, and we only started REALLY planning for M360 like a few weeks before camp.

So the whole missions team was working hard on their parts.  We each had a seminar to prepare and a skit to practice.  The skit was very last minute.  The group started practicing 3 days before the even.  Then on the day before M360, we decided to replace jamie, the orignal parent, with me, because we thought it would look better if God was played by a guy.  We also adjusted a few sections of the script.  So i even though i only had a few lines, it was kinda hard for me to get it right away.

Now on the day itself, i was kinda wasted cuz luigi, ben, and ian E stayed at my house and we didn't sleep the whole night.  And then we had to commute  to church.  So i got there at 11:00.  Barbie told us we would practice teh skit for the frist time with sound tech at 11:30.  So i was just relaxing and helping out here and there.  Then when we went down to the old worship center, THERE WERE NO INSTRUMENTS THERE!  So we started to freak.  So Theo went and tried to look for them.  While our team was praying, i also realized we had no LCD. We also asked for a guy who could fo sound tech, but he didn't show up, so dave did it for us. Thanks Dave!

So there was no equipment to work with.  I went up to the 3rd floor and asked for help. They said kuya bam was incharge of it but he was out to lunch. So was kinda freaking out na. This was the first event i planned as the missions team head and was going really badly so far.  I also knew it was partly my fault cuz i didn't reserve an LDC. So ofcourse i was praying the whole time while walking around.

Believe it or not, i was scared but also laughing a bit. I knew i couldn't fix the situation by myself, so i was completely depending on God for the strength to do it and the wisdom to know who to ask for what.

After a while, the band equpiment was found and set up.  So that was a big relief. James got the aircon on for us.  Then i went up to get something from the yc and when i came down, the LDC was there. WOW.  That was so cool the way God pulled it all together. 

Then i had to do an impromptu power point for the praise and worship. There was even a song that i didn't know, and the power point was out of order in terms of the song line up. so i did my best, i messed up on like 3 or 4 parts, but i think wasn't that bad.

Then while Ate Rhods did the cat and dog theology, we practiced the skit in the back. 

I slept during the wycliffe but i could still kinda here what was going on. Sarah was really good. I wanted to stay awake, but i knew i had to sleep a bit so that i could function for my seminar part up next. I was actually worried that the wycliffe section would be boring, but it turned out to be one of the best parts of the whole event.

The rest of the event ran pretty smoothly. Had one issue though when najee's laptop went to standby mode during a video cuz i tried to close the screen :p The skit went well even though we had never practiced it with mics before.

When it was all over, i finally got to eat for the first time in the whole day. That was at 5:00.

We had 45 people attend.  7 signed up for the orientation. I think that's pretty good.  Imagine if all of them fully join the team, we'll be 17 na! and to think we were only 5 in the begining of this year. wow. =)

Even though she doesn't have my mulultiply, I'd just like to thank barbie here for all the work she put into it. =) Thanks Barbie!  Couldn't have done it without you. And praise God for everything He did during this seminar.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Sound Techs

Found these stores in mall of asia. They were really close to each other too! =)

Monday, May 7, 2007

Missions 360

Start:     May 12, '07 1:00p
End:     May 12, '07 4:30p
Location:     GCF Old Worship Center
The next gen of missions is here