Thursday, March 27, 2008

My First Vector

Yey! I made a vector...of me :P I just learned to do it from youtube so i tried it out today. It was fun but that shirt took a long time :))

I know the background is wierd but nevermind. haha. And im probably gonna get a lot of comments on what i did wrong from the experts *sjay*. :)) But i think it turned out pretty well anyway. :D

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My project for this morning

This morning i just felt like photoshopping (i think its cuz of all the stuff joana's been posting hehehe) So anyway, here's this Y2J wallpaper i came up with. :P Hope you like it.

I Am Legend 2

I didn't make this...but i thought it was funny. hehehe :P

Monday, March 24, 2008

nothing to do today

today, even though im not on summer break yet, i didnt have school. So i just pretended it was summer. :P :))

In the morning i played o2jam for like an hour or more, then i played Mortal Kombat Armageddon which i just finished downloading this morning. :P

i didnt have load to text people to i just listened to music (AAR!!!!!!!) and looked at pics from 2007. :D that's it. :)) Oh, and i played guitar a bit.

trying to find someone to chat with on YM cuz angel keeps getting dc and stuff.

ok. So fun. hahaha

Sunday, March 23, 2008


This has nothing to do with the title. :P

I feel like lately i've been telling a lot of people a lot of stuff. You might be one of them that i've told. Cuz lately i've been really frustrated about something, and i've been talking about it with a lot of people. So many in fact, that i dont remember who i told anymore. O_o It's just that i feel like im always boiling over and so anyone i get to talk to....well, they hear about what i have to say.

I guess i need to pray about it more...and need to talk to someone...yeah...i need to talk to this person. I feel really bad like i've been so bitter and doing a lot of backstabbing and feeling good when things suck for him. feeling happy when he's not. I know what you're bad.

So yes, i am gonna pray about it and see what i can do about it.
haaaaaay. i feel so bad about how i've been acting. I dont know what else to do about it.

Friday, March 21, 2008


i've seriously had enough of them for now...

Im not getting anywhere in mine and im not becoming a better person helping out others with there's. ok fine, im becoming a worse person trying to help them out.

really sucks.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Birthday Dinner

Ok, on my birthday dinner with the family, we went to The Kitchen i galle. I ordered this noodles with squid ink sauce. it was really good! hahahaha...anyway, yeah the picture speaks for itself. :p

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tagged by Nix and Carmela

Im only gonna do the first half of this thing cuz i tagged people na before the first time i did it. :P

1. The person who tagged you is...

Nix and Carmela

2. Your relationship with him/her is...

(Nix) sister (Carmela) friend

3. Your 5 impressions of him/her...

- (Nix) Hyper, a good listener, very friendly, loves animals, likes to sing. (carmela) SUPER hyper, quiet (sounds contradictory but if you know carmela you'll know what i mean), funny, powerpointist, laughs a lot!

4. The most memorable thing he has done for you

(Carmela) i dont know :( (Nix) always gives me letters :) and she gave me an elephant doll for christmas =D that's two things pala!

5. The most memorable words he/she had said to you

(Nix) something rather not post it here. :P

(Carmela) Matt! Im a dragon!

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will...

(Nix)  What? No! I can't imagine that.

(Carmela) I'd laugh with her? :))

7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he has to improve on will be...

(Nix) I dunno. She's good na. hahaha. But it's not happening. No "lovers" for me and Nix.

(Carmela) Be more open. but of course we're not really close at the moment so i dont know if she really needs to improve on that or not. :P

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...

(Nix) Go to the nearest phone and call her so we can fix things.

(carmela) I'd be scared of her. O_o Seriously! :))

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be...

(Nix)  Cuz i did something wrong to her. :(

(Camela) I dont know.O_o

10. The thing you want to do for him/her now is...

(Nix) Get a phone so she can call me! But i cant :(

(Carmela) Get her back in the Fellowship Team! We need you back Carmela!

11. Your overall impression of him/her is...

(Nix) if ever you need a friend, Nix is one of the best that i know.

(Carmela) Super funny when she's hyper, but still responsible when it comes to her work :)

this is nothing. dont really need to read it.

first of all the people who can view this are just whatever names i felt like clicking.

basically, im tired of people making me feel like they care for me when they really dont. They only talk to me if i talk to them first and if i dont then we lose all communication na. Im tired of feeling likes its my fault that im not close to these people na cuz its not my fault, it's their fault too. But still im the only one who feels bad about. How great right? Once again im the only one wo gets hurt.

I kinda wish i didnt care so much. it would make things easier. cuz i could just focus on me and the things God wants me to do and i wouoldnt have to worry about anyone else. But it's not like that. For some stupid reason i care that i dont talk to these people as much as i used to, or that our relationship isnt the way its supposed to be. im tired of things being complicated and me not understanding what to do. its tiring.

I know this is a stupid log just complaining about random stuff that no one really want to hear about but im posting it anyway cuz its making me feel better to say it, even if no one's listening. and i know im gonna get some "awww matt its ok im here for you" comments, but thats not the reason i wrote this. im not after sympathy. i just want you to know that im not feeling great. And maybe praying for me would help. Maybe if i just had one thing to focus on i could handle it. but no. i have school, that calling God has for me, friends, and of course, the usual stupid crush/like/love. hahaha. which i know that last one will end up going nowhere. hahaha. i dont think anyone would fall in love with me and even if they did, they deserve someone better.

Crap. welcome back emo days. hahaha

I guess this is just all my stress thats built up over the start of this new year. its just march and already my mind is explding with responsibilities and things i have to do and things i want to do but i cant. alright. i'll stop now.

sorry for all the complaining. I'll try to smile and feel better. hehe. block off the problems for a while. the relationship ones can handle themselves. time will handle those. I just need to focus on school and God. and keep on smiling. :D why? cuz maybe it'll make me happy if i smile. :)) stupid logic! wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

good night. its not really late but the blog is long na and probably full of typos. :P

See? i feel a little better already.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Fellowship Team Lunch Pics

Hahaha i only transfered these pics to the pc now! oh well. That was a fun day anyway :D

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tagged By Ica

1. The person who tagged you is...

Ica :)

2. Your relationship with him/her is...

  She's my friend...don't know her that well tho :P

3. Your 5 impressions of him/her...

She's Ica.

She's eats at mcdo alot! Hahahaha

She's easy to talk to.

She's a girl.

She's Ica!!!! :))

4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for you...

Ummmm... nothing? :)) Sorry ica!

5. The most memorable words he/she had said to you...

None also! :(

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will...

ummmm, woah. hahaha. i dont know. That's unexpected :P

7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be...

Her faults? hahaha (my answers are so stupid!)

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...

Probably not talk to her anymore cuz we already dont talk much.

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be...

Because she did something bad to me to make me hate her. But then i'd have to forgive her because it's what God said we should do. And I'd have to love her too because we're supposed to love our enemies ;)

10. The thing you want to do for him/her now is...

Say "Hi Ica! haven't talked to you in a long time!"

11. Your overall impression of him/her is...

She seems to be a fun person to hang out with... but she's not often sabaw like most other people who are fun to hang out with. :))

12. How do you think people around you feel about you?

Since when did this become about me? hahaha...I don't know. I think most people don't notice me cuz i'm usually quiet. And i look especially quiet compared to maow and luigi :))

13. The character you love of yourself is...


14. On the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are...

CharacterS? Matt and Matthew???? :)) sorry...

15. The most ideal person you want to be is...

Someone a little more outgoing. But still pretty much the same.

16. For people that care and like you, say something to them...

Hi. Thanks for caring for and liking me!

17. (Tag 10 peeps!)

1. Ian E!

2. Luigi

3. Beej

4. Sjay

5. Carmela

6. Najee

7. Saki

8. Nix

9. P Eug

10. Didi (altho she doesnt use her multiply)

Who is 6 having a relationship with?

(Najee) Just God. hahahaha.

Is 9 a male or female?

(P Eug) Male

If 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?

(Didi and Saki) I don't think so! :))

How about 8 and 5?

(Nix and Carmela) Same sex couples are wrong! :)

What is 2 studying about?

(Luigi) Studying about? He's taking Psycology. Is that the answer i was supposed to write? :P

When did you last have a chat with 3?

(Beej) I don't remember. :P

What kind of music band does 8 like?

(Nix) She used to like classical or oldies. I can't remember which one. But now she seems to like most stuff. and Bloomfields! :P haha.

Does 1 have any siblings?

(Ian E) Yup

Will you woo 3?

(Beej) No. hahaha.

How about 7?

(Saki) No also. :))

Is 4 single?

(Sjay) question please.

What's the surname of 5?

(Carmela) Danao

What's the hobby of 4?

(Sjay) I don't really know. She plays the guitar. She does HW! :))

Talk something casually about 1?

(Ian E) I dont really understand the question but he's cool. and yeah, It's cool when he's in the same band as you! Yeah!

Have you tried developing feelings for 8?

(Nix) Not feelings like I LIKE you feelings. :)) But yeah, I love her cuz she's my sis. :)

Where does 9 live?

(P Eug) I don't know

Are 5 and 1 best friends?

(Carmela and Ian) Not best friends. but they are friends :)

Is 6 the sexiest person in the world?


(Najee) IN THE WORLD?!?!?!?! Hahahaha. Whatta question!