Sunday, March 9, 2008

this is nothing. dont really need to read it.

first of all the people who can view this are just whatever names i felt like clicking.

basically, im tired of people making me feel like they care for me when they really dont. They only talk to me if i talk to them first and if i dont then we lose all communication na. Im tired of feeling likes its my fault that im not close to these people na cuz its not my fault, it's their fault too. But still im the only one who feels bad about. How great right? Once again im the only one wo gets hurt.

I kinda wish i didnt care so much. it would make things easier. cuz i could just focus on me and the things God wants me to do and i wouoldnt have to worry about anyone else. But it's not like that. For some stupid reason i care that i dont talk to these people as much as i used to, or that our relationship isnt the way its supposed to be. im tired of things being complicated and me not understanding what to do. its tiring.

I know this is a stupid log just complaining about random stuff that no one really want to hear about but im posting it anyway cuz its making me feel better to say it, even if no one's listening. and i know im gonna get some "awww matt its ok im here for you" comments, but thats not the reason i wrote this. im not after sympathy. i just want you to know that im not feeling great. And maybe praying for me would help. Maybe if i just had one thing to focus on i could handle it. but no. i have school, that calling God has for me, friends, and of course, the usual stupid crush/like/love. hahaha. which i know that last one will end up going nowhere. hahaha. i dont think anyone would fall in love with me and even if they did, they deserve someone better.

Crap. welcome back emo days. hahaha

I guess this is just all my stress thats built up over the start of this new year. its just march and already my mind is explding with responsibilities and things i have to do and things i want to do but i cant. alright. i'll stop now.

sorry for all the complaining. I'll try to smile and feel better. hehe. block off the problems for a while. the relationship ones can handle themselves. time will handle those. I just need to focus on school and God. and keep on smiling. :D why? cuz maybe it'll make me happy if i smile. :)) stupid logic! wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

good night. its not really late but the blog is long na and probably full of typos. :P

See? i feel a little better already.



  1. Woot! I'm one of the people you felt like clicking. Haha I love this Matt, this is one of the smarter blogs I've read since forever. Haha. Welcome back to the 'blue' days of Summer! :D. I've got a quote for you Matt...
    "A lone man can only seek." Said by Jefferson Tan on 12:38 March 10, 2008. hehe. Oh well, we will be seeing each other soon. Good night! Will be praying for you! :D

  2. Wow Jeff....i dont really understand what your quote is supposed to mean for me! :))

  3. oooooooooooooooooooooooooh im one of those people! i feel special hahahaha :D miss u matt! :D

  4. goshdarnit. i feel bad because i know i'm one of those people
    and i know just how much that sucks and freaking hurts.
    i won't patronize how you feel. but just so you know, not everyone does it intentionally.
    and hey, it's almost summer, things are bound to be better right?

  5. oh! i know/understand what ur feeling/felt ahahaha :D
    i guess im guilty bout the talking to you first thing. i dont know, im really like that?
    haha im scared kasi eh, hard(or nakakatamad lang) to explain here hahaha

  6. i can feel you matt.. *feeling you* :)

  7. i apologize if ever i'm one of "those people" ya mentioned (or didn't really mention) up there. >_<
    i'ma be prayin' for ya tho.God bless ya bro!

    *ooooh.....aaaaand..uhhhhhhm..WHO'S THIS "LAST ONE" YER TALKING ABOUT??HMMM?!!!/:)

    hahahaha!!!I'M THE WINNER!!!!!!XDD

  8. Oh. I get what you mean. :|

    Kuyaaa. This is good for you. You should vent a lot more often. :)

    yeah, smiling helps a lot. :D worked for me today. :P

    and of course, prayer works. :P


  9. Me neither actually. Sorry bout that.

  10. Matt!>:D< I SO KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! I want to believe that I'm not one of those people kasi I bug you a lot.XD But that's me feeling special. I'll be praying for you.
