Monday, April 14, 2008

Back from camp :) usual, i don't really know where to begin.Camp

Just wanted to make a shout out to all the people who helped make my camp great!

Luigi, Liam (:X :))  oh, and too bad about our project for the last night :P), Majar, Maow, Jeff, James, Ben (dude you have to join the pushing game with us!) , JEL (you're the best!), Jairah, Didi, Jia (sorry about the bus thing :P), Yanna, Em, Carmela A, Alyssa, the rest of team Quiet (wooohooo double awards!), Angel, there's more pa but i just can't remember them all.

P&W night was one of the best expiriences i had. :) Seriously. Cuz it was like the first time that i felt like i was praising God through playing guitar. Not just playing guitar so that people could praise God, but actually, myself praising God while playing. Sobrang saya. SAKI! Thanks for fixing my cable! :D

What else....the sleepless night sucked. :)) :)>- But when the sun rose it was fine na. hehehe.

ummm yeah. I guess that's it for now. I miss everyone! Keep on iLOVE-ing. :))