Friday, November 28, 2008

Big Head Maow!

hehe made this one before sleeping last night...

Big Head Mode (Featuring Ariel and Jairah)

a quick project i did today after i got home from school :) Might try more now that i see it works :P hehehe

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Thank God it's thursday! So class today starts at 1. end at 4-ish. My shortest school day of the week :D I have to study up for a quiz on Rizal tho. 6 Chapters. :\ Then i have to do homework later pa. This sem im having a hard time getting back into "study mode". As in last sem i was so hardcore that i would write papers a week or 2 in advance. Now i can hardly get myself to do it at all. I still do it tho. :P But yeah, im working on getting back to the "study study" matt.

At least i get to go to church later. :) youth choir is practicing so im gonna drop by. Maow and the others are watching twilight but i really have no interest in that vampire chick-flick. :)) And i dont have money :P

So my plan is do my devos after this (which i haven't done all week :(( ), then review for the quiz, try to squeeze in some HW so that later i can just hang at GCF :D sounds good huh?

I've been doing good since this weekend. I mean, nothings been bothering me besides not being able to do devos. So yeah. im :). not :D. not :|. but :). That's good enough for me :P

The Missions Team seems to be doing real well without me. and im really glad because it means the team is not dependent on one person. it's God's ministry and im really working on training up other members to lead too. It doesnt have to be "The Matt Show" in there all the time. :)) But im really glad they're holding up. Im coming ack soon.

My leave has been really good. I can feel how burned out i was before seriously. I felt like ministry was work na or something. But nowim getting back into the right perspective.:)
So that's it for now. Advanced Merry Christmas to you all!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tagged by didi survey thingy

THE RULES: People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Tag 8 people. Those who are tagged cannot refuse. You cannot tag the person who tagged you. Continue this game by sending this to 8 other people.

1. What would make your day worse?

having to go to school :)) and not getting to hang out with people at church who i want to hang out with.

2. At what age do/did you wish to marry?

past 25. I still have some growing up to do :P

3. What's your favorite time of the day?

Around 9pm cuz im almost done with HW and i get to use the internet.

4. Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?


5. What are you doing right now?

this survey :P

6. Is there someone you're thinking of right now? Who?

Didi. cuz she tagged me :)

7. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do?

feel sad? listen to sad music?

8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?

besides helping out missionaries and my parents, id buy a cool guitar and a bunch of xbox games. :D

9. What is your biggest fear?

Heights and heights.

10. Is it okay to be numb?

No. its not normal!

11. How do you cope with boredom?

TV, internet.

12. Have you ever been to a wedding? How many times?

Lots. SO many!

13. What is your ambition?

To obey God? does that count? :P

14. If you have one wish, what would you wish for?

1 million dollars so i can do like in number 8 :))

15. Who do you have invi'd on YM?


16. Have you ever seen a toad on a toadstool?


17. What would you do if your answer in #15 read this?

nothing. i dont care :))

18. What do you look forward to in 2009?

More friends and more fun!

19. What song would you like to be played at your wedding?

hmmmm...i dunno pa.

20. When you die, what is it you'd like to be remembered for?

That i was cool! :D right? ;)

21. Why is life so important for you?

Because without it there is nothing...:))

I wont tag na cuz so many peopl have been tagged already :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I just cut a whole bunch of people off my multiply. if you can see this, congrats cuz you didnt get cut :))


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sem Break

This sem break was one of the most fun breaks ive had. I guess it all started at college camp. I wasnt really sem break yet, i had finals when i came back :)). But it didnt matter. my mid was on sem break mode na! hahaha. did well in finals anyway.

Then i got to hang out at gcf like every day :D frist we were always there building the back drop for the upgrade, then we would go out to hang out and stuff. I watched Quantom with jai, jeff, maow, and strong. On the other days eric, didi, justine, andie, nats, and other people were there occassionally. Oh! and on one day we just met up and were spontanious! we tom's worlded and walked to podium and went to the YC and had a pillow fight! :)) that was me, maow, strong, sjay, jai, and didi, and justine. :D

hmmm, what else? :P Basta. It was sooooo much fun! Bonded with Strong and Jai a lot cuz they were the ones there every day too. hahaha.

And of course upgrade! :D

sorry if this blog has no details. im really tired from school but i just want to write it.

I had a dream about camp last night. I forgot something at home so i went back with like kuya api and ate chette to gcf to get it. then when we got back to camp, i rode back home again with some trucker dudes cuz i forgot something else. after that, the truckers werent going back na! :( it was the last night pa so it was all the no sleep and all bonding time. so i was stuck at home trying to find a way to get to camp, knowing that every second im away was a second lost bonding with people. stressful!!!!!!!!! O_O :P

Monday, November 10, 2008

2 wallpapers

A Missions Team wallpaper and a Youth Live wallpaper. :D

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama pics

Just click em if i didnt get the html things right:P

If you've played on an xbox360 you know what this is all about


and this one is just...yeah basta :))


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tech Deck Dude Video

Me and maow made this vid yesterday. Including set building and editting and redndering, it took 12 hours. 1:30-1:30 :)) The stop motion is made up of 1400 pics :D

This video is about how the tech deck dudes first learned to skate :D

Pls Comment.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Good morning song

I woke up this morning with these lyrics in my head

"Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to

wow... i was just trying to imagine what it means to give everything for the kingdom's cause. It means giving up all that you have and all that you want for whatever it is that God has called you for. "break my heart from what breaks yours". Do you really want God to give you the burden that He feels for the lost? Do you want to feel so passionately about what is right and hate sin? It's kind of overwhelming to think about, but at the same time, if what you want is what God wants, there is no reason to hold back from giving Him your everything.

I guess this is one of those things that is scary to pray about, if you realize the weight of what the answer will be. It will be a yes. God will not say "no, you can go on wanting what you want", God will change you. He will change you to the point that you want what He wants and are willing to give up all for Him. You will say no to the things of this world and to all your dreams so that you can pursue His purpose for you.

Are you ready to do that?