Thank God it's thursday! So class today starts at 1. end at 4-ish. My shortest school day of the week :D I have to study up for a quiz on Rizal tho. 6 Chapters. :\ Then i have to do homework later pa. This sem im having a hard time getting back into "study mode". As in last sem i was so hardcore that i would write papers a week or 2 in advance. Now i can hardly get myself to do it at all. I still do it tho. :P But yeah, im working on getting back to the "study study" matt.
At least i get to go to church later. :) youth choir is practicing so im gonna drop by. Maow and the others are watching twilight but i really have no interest in that vampire chick-flick. :)) And i dont have money :P
So my plan is do my devos after this (which i haven't done all week :(( ), then review for the quiz, try to squeeze in some HW so that later i can just hang at GCF :D sounds good huh?
I've been doing good since this weekend. I mean, nothings been bothering me besides not being able to do devos. So yeah. im :). not :D. not :|. but :). That's good enough for me :P
The Missions Team seems to be doing real well without me. and im really glad because it means the team is not dependent on one person. it's God's ministry and im really working on training up other members to lead too. It doesnt have to be "The Matt Show" in there all the time. :)) But im really glad they're holding up. Im coming ack soon.
My leave has been really good. I can feel how burned out i was before seriously. I felt like ministry was work na or something. But nowim getting back into the right perspective.:)
So that's it for now. Advanced Merry Christmas to you all!
woohoooooooo. see ya later ^_^