Thursday, January 22, 2009


So as most of you know (at least i hope you know) the missions team is doing this bazaar thingy on saturday. 3pm-6pm and 7:30pm-9pm (yuck, plug) anyway, im just kinda worried about it. I dunno if enough people know or if we're gonna be able to raise enough money. :\ I'm praying about it naman, but yeah. still kinda worried.

We started pricing the objects yesterday. most of it is girls clothes but there were like some other stuff too. most stuff were like P50 or P60 but there were some REALLY nice ones that we priced at like P250 cuz they were like dresses and stuff. Later we're gonna finish pricing the objects. We're also gonna be selling food at the bazzar. I actually might end up buying some cu it sounds cheap :P :)) Ate Ces said like P40 for a burger or hotdog with drink, so yeah at sounds awesome.

I'm kinda super tired from school, and my weekend is taken up by this stuff, but its for God naman.

do i guess thats it. Check it out on sat ok? Oh, tell your parents to come na when they're gonna pick you up after service they should go in and check the bazaar muna ;) IM SERIOUS K? Ask them to come :D hehehe.

Oh, and if you want to donate that would be great too cuz the bazaar will have a part 2 next sat :)

Lastly, pray for this project cuz we're seriously in over our heads and we have so few people helping us. It's basically me, justine, and jasper p. Darn college people and their assignments can never make it (wow, still feeling HS :p)...the working people can't make it very often either. fun fun...

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