Saturday, October 31, 2009

after a million years

im writing a blog :)) but you know the feeling that you have so much to write about that you cant write it?


a lot has happend. much drama. much stuff. but yeah. i guess its all good.

The leadership retreat was awesome. bonding bonding and i learned a lot too. that was the first time i did my devos that week O_o which is not a good sign. but my devos has gotten better since then. i got reaffirmed about my calling to missions so yeah. i guess thats good. Talked with Hannah T for the first time. she's cool pala like her sister :)) i thought she was my age but it turns out phoebe is the one my age pala O_o i thought she's 17. pala she's 19 and hannah is 21. :P anyway, i also bonded with achi pen :D talked about...stuff :)) she's cool rin.

Then we had didi's debut. much fun :) i know everyone had a good time. :0 most girls cried when sharing which is a good sign :P i got to dress up nice :)

then we had the tagaytay outing on the 29th. overnight in jeff's place :D super bonding talaga. as in the sabaw kind and the AG kind. :) im glad i got to share with those ppl and they got to share with me :) and we photoshooted a LOT :)) i missed didi na cuz we havent hung out much lately. but we have been rin kind of in a way. the sabios too. :)

so now im doing alright. have a post card to give to nix tomorrow so im hoping i see her. Jacq let me have it. i think the message makes a lot of sense. It says "Smile! hug people! Thank someone today. Life is too short for drama. Enjoy! Love a little. A message brought to you by SK Bel-Air" :)

so yeah. :) i guess thats it for now. i feel like my life was ripped to a million peices but its not starting to come back together. kind like when the T-1000 in terminator gets blown up he just forms back again. =)) sorry. i wanted to put an annalogy.

so to end with a quote so it looks like im smart ;) although i just quoted the post card thing-o. uuummmm. i cant think of any. =))

aryt. keep reading my blogs. and keep reading your bible :D gnyt people of plurk and of planet world. hugs to you all >:D< kisses are saved for my future girlfriend only :) heehee

L4D photoshop fun editted

the lighting on zoey annoyed me too much =)) and i added scratches and burned parts on the title. hahaha. i wanna photoshop more! its so fun!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How I met your missions!

Missions workshop this sat in the women's room behind the info desk! 4-6pm :D hope you guys can make it. :) the vid says social hall but its wrong :P hehe

Thursday, October 1, 2009

packing at gcf....thursday...with nix

so today we packed again. well...not really. today is thursday. ni texted me in the morning that she was at church at 11am so i headed over. slightly wrong motives :\

i hung out with her a lot today. i wanna write down the things we talked about that i can remember. why? cuz i dont want to forget it. She told me one crazy thing she would like to do is swim in a pool of jello. :D cute :D We talked about how when we are young things that arent a big deal are a big deal to us. she told me that tami cried cuz she wanted stickers but her mom told her they are using the money to donate for the relief goods :P heh...childhood troubles :P ummm what else pa. she told me she brought one of my letters to school. one where i told her that in the future we are gonna take our kids (not meaning that me and her have kids of our own but that would work for me too :P :)) ) to disneyland when we both have families. her classmate who read it cried cuz she said it was so touching :P

Me and nix packaged rice together. we walked to the far 711 just so we could walk together. didnt buy anything :P took pics in ortigas park the one time...she lay down in my lap :> wow.

everything today with her was awesome. except one thing. she borrowed my phone once. then she didnt want me to see what she was doing. she was typing. at first i thought that maybe she was gonna leave me a message in my drafts. sweet huh? :P nooo...i think she used my phone to text robin. :(

She answered my question na tho. why she likes robin. i think she felt uncomfortable telling me tho. she told me to turn around while she talked. we sat back to back lang. nothing she said surprised me tho. it was the usual. he's smart, he doesnt judge her, he makes her feel good...that could be me couldnt it? I hope so. i hope that i can win after the 3 month. i can! i can win. i can. if i believe it hard enough i can.

so thats it for now. in love but im paranoid. the usuals. matt...this blog is just for you. keep straight edge bro.