Thursday, December 31, 2009

Phoebe Avatar

By special request. :)) first of all i just need to say this one frustrated me. I had a hard time making it look like phoebe and a Na'vi at the same time. if i went too alien, it didn't look like her; if i went too phoebe it, didn't look alien. so this is the best balance i could pull off. no hair braid tho :P Anyway, i think it turned out alright. :)


  1. maybe because Phoebe's nose is very definitive of her look?

  2. Hey, can you teach me how to edit a picture to an avatar character?? hehehe :) PM me the steps if its ok :)

  3. This is so awesome talaga! =D Phoebe must be ecstatic! =D

  4. Matt! You're the AWESOMEST among the AWESOMER among the AWESOME!

    That's a Na'vi Rock Star version. :))

    I SEE YOU!!!!!

    "You can't see me!" -John Cena -->HAHAHAHA!

  5. hehehe made this during new year. :P a bit before playing halo 2 and a bit after :))
