Sunday, July 31, 2011

Frustrated Artist

Ok, it's been about 15 days since i promised updates. hahaha! but better late than never. You know, that saying kind of means a lot. There should be another one though..."Better late than too early" because at least if its late, you're already prepared for it :)

This semester Ive been very focused. The problem is, im focused on too many things. Ive been inspired to become an artist again, however artist in  my case means drawing, photoshop, guitar, bass, video editing. I'm not being mayabang kasi im not like super good at these things, just ok :))

Pero I want to be the best. It's hard though cuz we only have 24 hours in a day, and about 10 of those are spent in school/OJT, and 6 to 8 of those are spent sleeping. So that leaves me with like roughly 7 hours. Then there's time to eat dinner with the family. So that's 6 hours na lang. 4 of those spent on school/internet (yes, they come together). So i have 2 - 3 hours to spend on art. Sometimes my other loves get in the way though: wrestling and video games.

SIDE STORY: This is why im having a hard time doing my devos. But I've been fixing that these past 3 days. God's been teaching me that without His Word, life is frustrating and pointless. END OF SIDE STORY.

I've been doing some stuff lately but im not happy with my drawings. I'm thinking of going back to basics. But im happy with my photoshop work. Just getting permissions to post it cuz it's a vector portrait of someone :P

Just remember to do what you love, and to love the Word of God. Yes namaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan :P

Till next time.

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