Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas to those who are like me

Today i had to clean out my stuff in preparation for the move. It turns out i have a lot more stuff than i thought! hehe.

Anyway, I found a gift from my former best was a mountain dew bottle with a note written all over it. Basically it said sorry for all the crazy stuff that happened this year and for all the drama, but i know we're gonna still be best friends cuz we're awesome like that. Funny how that never actually happened. I also found a CD of her music videos with her friends, and i found pictures of her that i printed as well. I found a letter i wrote for her that i never gave (because back then i would write her letters all week and give her all of them during the weekend). It reminded me what it feels like to be in love and how the crazy things don't seem so crazy because you'd do anything to make that person feel special. :) All these things were dated 2009.

What happened in 2010? well lets just say, the same type of thing that happened in 2009...just twice :P

2011 was recovery year for me. Me and God all the way. Me and God had some LQ's too but we recovered really well. Actually, we're just recovering from a long break of talking. But it's doing pretty well. :)

I wonder when will be the next time i fall in love? when will i meet that person that I can't help but text everyday. That person that every love song i hear is about her. That person that I feel incomplete without. That person i want to be with for the rest of my life. Don;t get me wrong. I'm not in a rush. I'm just wondering when it will happen and who it will be.

Merry Christmas to all those single people out there. Merry Christmas to all those people out there who don't have a best friend. Merry Christmas to those people who's cellphones can go weeks without receiving a text. Merry Christmas to those who are the best at nothing. Merry Christmas to those who are just like me.

I'm not being sarcastic. I mean it! Merry Christmas to you! Because you know how to find joy in the little things. You know how to find joy in looking up at the sky, or looking at construction sites. You find joy in that little achievement box that comes up on your xbox every time you do something cool. You know how to find joy in listening to little children talk in the elevator, or the site of people walking their dogs. You know how to find joy in watching your parents work late at night, just because it lets you know that they are still doing ok physically. You find joy in the memories a song can bring, or the thoughts of the future it may bring to you. You find joy in jamming on the guitar, knowing full well that you sound terrible but its ok because you are the only on in the room. You know how to find joy being right where you are because this is where God placed you. This is where God wants you to be right now.

So my year is ending just as it started. Even though i don't have a best friend. Even though I'm not in love. Its me and God all the way.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Assassin's Creed Theories

I just finished ACR and this is my thoughts on the ending and theories after rewatching all the game finishes and the truths again.

 From the previous games up till now, we know that the ones who came before (OWCB) created humans. Adam and eve stole the apple and started war against OWCB. because all were busy focusing on war, they did not realize that the sun would release a blast and it killed almost everyone. The OWCB rebuilt humans to survive (mentioned in AC2), meaning now with a survival instinct.

As time went on, the OWCB and the humans began to inter breed and the assassins were born (this explains their eagle vison: The sixth sense mentioned by Minerva in AC2)

The OWCB knew they were dying and would not live forever, so they built temples with possible ways to escape the sun, since they knew they would not be around to keep "protecting" life.  6 vaults have already been used, and desmond is trying to activate the 7th. I will get back to this topic later.

Juno told Desmond to find eve at the end of ACB. Eve is someone who the OWCB knew would have has super high concentration of DNA from the OWCB (my theory) just like desmond does (mentioned in ACR). If Desmond and Eve were to have a son, he could possibly have enough DNA of the OWCB to be like them. He could stop the sun blast. This would explain what Subject 16 said in ACB about "The sun....Your son"

BUT WAIT! If the sun blast is nearing, how can the son have enough time to be born? The 7th temple is a "bomb shelter" that will save them from the sun blast. Even if everyone dies, Desmond and Eve will start over, and their son will ensure the protection of mankind.[/spoiler]

My theory on lucy:
[spoiler] I always rememeber this scene from AC1 although I only played it once so i could be wrong, In which al mualim stabbed Altair and then later told him that the Apple made him see what he needed to see. Maybe this a similar thing to what happened with lucy. Juno needed the whole group to think she was dead when in fact, she needs to be somewhere else doing something else that will tie in in the end.[/spoiler]

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lazy Tuesday

I've been really burned out recently from all the practice at church. The Christmas concert is on Dec 17, but things are just starting to come together now. I feel that me josh and drew have really been working over time with this, but its kind of fun too somehow.

So today i just got to stay home. I practiced the songs cuz the basslines in them are not beginner. I'm really proud of myself that i got it :D

I then watched a wrestling DVD (Greatest Rivalries) and it was a really good interview about the feud of Shawn Michael's and Bret Hart, how they became legitimate enemies in real life and how they finally patched things up like more than 10 years later. Shawn was the edgy guy, doing things that you are not supposed to do on TV, while Bret played by the rules. Guess who became the bigger star? I guess that's why they called it the "attitude era". I was thinking how cool it is to be like shawn michaels was, doing whatever the heck you want because you're just that good at what you do. I know could never do that though because (1) I'd feel guilty for doing crap, and (2) I'm not that good at what i do :)) Glad to see shawn pulled a complete 180 once he became a christian and you can see how humble he has become in the interview. And the cool thing is he actually got even better at wrestling during his last few matches before retirement. :)

I should really sleep now cuz it's 2am and i have class at 9, but i find this to be relaxing right now. We're closing in on prelims and my head still isnt in the game. I need to focus. I'm worried that im focusing on the wrong classes (like ICPR 108 which im not even gonna be graded for). Maybe its because m busy with church? Yeah right! excuses don;t help!

Lastly, my schoolmates don't read this blog anymore i'm sure, but i think it would be awesome if we all blogged again. Since it's our last sem. I'm super gonna miss all of them. as in. I don;t want o put the names because iff i leave anyone out they will kill me :))

Starting tomorrow i will get back to my sexyville diet because i felt huge today. hardly got up from the couch. Also...i think i might find a way to get inspired. Hopefully it works! hahaha.

Tomorrow is just another step to becoming the best in the world.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why call it best?

She says everything you want to hear
and hours are never enough
She looks at you like she's never looked at anyone before
and hours are never enough
But would the best be enough if you already got it?
Why call it best when there's something better?
Better than the best.