Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Assassin's Creed Theories

I just finished ACR and this is my thoughts on the ending and theories after rewatching all the game finishes and the truths again.

 From the previous games up till now, we know that the ones who came before (OWCB) created humans. Adam and eve stole the apple and started war against OWCB. because all were busy focusing on war, they did not realize that the sun would release a blast and it killed almost everyone. The OWCB rebuilt humans to survive (mentioned in AC2), meaning now with a survival instinct.

As time went on, the OWCB and the humans began to inter breed and the assassins were born (this explains their eagle vison: The sixth sense mentioned by Minerva in AC2)

The OWCB knew they were dying and would not live forever, so they built temples with possible ways to escape the sun, since they knew they would not be around to keep "protecting" life.  6 vaults have already been used, and desmond is trying to activate the 7th. I will get back to this topic later.

Juno told Desmond to find eve at the end of ACB. Eve is someone who the OWCB knew would have has super high concentration of DNA from the OWCB (my theory) just like desmond does (mentioned in ACR). If Desmond and Eve were to have a son, he could possibly have enough DNA of the OWCB to be like them. He could stop the sun blast. This would explain what Subject 16 said in ACB about "The sun....Your son"

BUT WAIT! If the sun blast is nearing, how can the son have enough time to be born? The 7th temple is a "bomb shelter" that will save them from the sun blast. Even if everyone dies, Desmond and Eve will start over, and their son will ensure the protection of mankind.[/spoiler]

My theory on lucy:
[spoiler] I always rememeber this scene from AC1 although I only played it once so i could be wrong, In which al mualim stabbed Altair and then later told him that the Apple made him see what he needed to see. Maybe this a similar thing to what happened with lucy. Juno needed the whole group to think she was dead when in fact, she needs to be somewhere else doing something else that will tie in in the end.[/spoiler]

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