Thursday, March 29, 2007


Well, it's summer already, and me, maow, ben, and luigi ahve been hanging out at the youth center for like the past 2 or 3 days. i cant remember na. hahaha.  Khat and carmela join us sometimes. nix and jasper joined us once too. It was wierd... everything about that day was wierd...


We've really just been bumming around and tom's worlding.  Texting people and listening to music. Playing scum. talking bout stuff. and yeah... bumming around. hahaha.


It's camp orientation on sunday. That should be fun. I cant wait to see who's going to camp. I hope Nathan and his bro will be able to go. it's be cool if he could be a regular in the youth again.  That guy was like my best friend when i was 14.  3 years na. That's a long time.


I was just wondering, why did God make us to want someone? like a wife? why do we need one? When we get to heaven, we're not gonna be married anymore. So what's the point? Why do we need it? Why do we WANT it? Why is it that girls seriously mess guys up. like everything about them just makes us wanna jump out a window cuz we're so happy and we could just die then, or cuz we hate our life.  And i'm not saying all girls do this to us, just the ones we feel something special for.  It's crazy. But God's God and i guess he really wants us to feel this way...


WrestleMania in 3 day! I hope taker kills batista. No way his streak should end now.  I also want HBK to win but i dont think he will. :(( I want kennedy to win the MITB match. That'd be awesomeness.


Summerness... enjoying it. Camp is soon. I'll enjoy that more... i hope.  Yeah. I will.


What a wierd a random blog entry. My mind is all mixed up right now. Chris got eliminated from american idol. :( I liked him. Too bad..


Listening to Boston by Augustana... It's so emo....


  1. i'm not sure but I think God made possible wives/husbands for us to have companions for the rest of our lives. Someone who's there backing you up when your family and friends aren't. Something like that, I don't really know. :p

    btw, Boston is such a nice senti song. : D

  2. Love is such a wonderful feeling and God has always wanted us to experience that. "Love your neighbors as God has loved you." The girls who mess up guys may come along but hey, it does not always end up that way. God has set apart someone special for you, you may not know her yet. :)

  3. yeah... i know. It's just hard to remember that sometimes. But God's plan is the best anyway. And i trust He knows what He's doing ;)

  4. Yeah Matt, I don't know anything about "love"... But I do know that God has His reasons for everything, and we just need to learn to trust Him. :)
