Sunday, June 6, 2010

How many days has it been?

Was thinking about the incredible hulk movie recently. There's this day count thing of how many days since his last incident of becoming hulk, and every time he changes, the counter goes back to zero. I found that to be a cool part of the movie :D ...and i think i want to watch it again :))

Anyway, i was thinking about our sins. The ones that we struggle a lot. sometimes, we kind of do the hulk thing. How many days since our last "incident"? and then when we screw up, the counter goes back to zero. We feel so motivated after like two weeks, and then so stupid when we have to reset it. And i had that mentality, until i realized something.

Why do i need to count the days? Sure, its good when you're just starting cuz it motivates you, but ultimately you're setting yourself up to fail. When you reach one or two weeks, you some times get the thought "ive been free so long dont i deserve to mess up even just once now?"

If you asked me, "Matt, when was the last time you visited friendster?" i'd be like "who knows? i don't care and i don;t even think about that anymore. I have no desire to do so, so why count the days? I have multiply and Facebook. SO MUCH BETTER"

Shouldn't it be that way? With God it can be. :) we need to focus on not doing our sin, but we need to focus on God MORE. God is so much better. why think about sin when you can think about Him? Why think of something that brings temporary happiness when you can think of someone who brings eternal peace and joy?

"How many days since your last incident?"
"Don't remember because I'm too busy thinking about God" :)


  1. LIKE BUTTON WHERE ARE YOU. :)))))))))))0

  2. uhh jamgirl? are you lost? hahaha

    Matt, that was IMBA :))

  3. Funny thing, I was just thinking about this this morning, and i've only been awake for around 5 minutes XP.. well, I only got to the 2nd paragraph. :P

    Such a timely message Matt. =)


  5. "How many days since your last incident?"
    "Don't remember because I'm too busy thinking about God" :)

    AY ANG GALING MO. =D Praise God. =D
