Sunday, December 30, 2007

2007, good-bye forever

It's good-bye forever cuz, of course, you cant turn back time.

This year seemed like it passed sooooooooooo fast although so much happened. I've made a lot of new friends, seen people step up to leadership possitions, seen people leave, seen people come back, had big ups and downs, moved houses to super close to gcf, and a lotta other stuff. But through it all, God has been so good and so Faithful :)

I guess the first major thing that comes to my mind is that i've been the head of the missions team for more than a year now.  I started around August 2006. We've been emailing missionaries and praying for them. We did the missions 360 seminar, which was one of the most stressful things i have EVER done in my life. hahaha! i have to say thanks to the espinosas and jade for helping out with the skit even though they werent part of the missions team. And Barbie! She helpped me out so much too! Then we did the Mission Education fund-raiser headed by NAJEE. Yey! I hated doing that booth every week! =)) :)>- But it turned out well. We got to send the packages and help out the preschool continue God's work. :) Then this christmas we sent christmas cards =D Ohhhhhhh! and the new members! Barbie, Kate, Em, JAMIE (woooooo jamie!!!! Special mention cuz i think you're cool! jk, cuz you helpped me out a lot with the missions team :) ), Herlyn.... and yeah... i mighta forgotten some people :P

Believe it or not, im tired of writing na. But there's still so much to write about. :P

Ministies round Up: Fellowship Team has been a blast. Super. Especially our thursday night AGs during the summer!!! Wooooooo! Worship Team was fun too. I got to play alot. Got to play in the HS band which was just me and jasper. :P I got to play with a band that was put together last minute. seriously. 1 hour of practice lang. :)) That was me, jasper, andrew, tim e, and angel. :D Great time. :)  I finally graduated too. 2 years of being a trainee. hahaha. Im really excited to be a worship team member na finally! :) Service team....ummmm...channels...yeah. that's all :))

I made so many new friends. :D
  • Didi Met her AGAIN at camp. i guess we only started talking after camp. heh. I remember she said HI to me on the last night. after the P&W :P Then we talked a bit at GCF when we got back.
  • Jia! I talked with her at camp like every morning. hehe. cuz she was early for breakfast :P
  • Ica :D I met her on the youth live forums (back in the day when people would use it) She was wint007 :p Then i met her on the bus going to camp.  Didint see her at camp na the whole time i think :)) oh well. next year ok ica? I'll see you at camp! Woooooo
  • Jairah! i dont know how we started talking.
     But there was this one time when it was just the two of at gcf till like 11pm or something and we just talked about stuff....crushes and stuff :))
  • Majar! i met him at the camp reunion pa :D he was one of our many roommates. This guy super stepped up in the fellowship team. Wooooo! way to go!
  • Sjay! She was on my team at camp! what was our name again? PINKLETS!!!! Hahahaha. I thought your name was wierd the first time i heard it. it was like "SJ" "ESJAY" "ES-J" It sounded wierd :))
  • Jem! No idea how we started talking. we just talk a bit now. hopefuilly we'll talk more next year ayt?
  • IC n Jumpy.
  • JAMES! YEAH-BOY! hahaha. i dunno. were we friends na before this year? maybe just a bit. But i think i got to now you better this year. Woooooo! The Jam-boy dance!!!! :)) Man! I really liked going up tot he sound tech room during set free cuz i was so stressed out. The sound tech room was cool.
  • Liam!!!!! ;) ;) ;) I dunno. i knew him for long na. i dont know if we became friends lang this year.
  • DEANE!!!!! - Ummmm, how did we become friends? I seriously dont know. we started talking some time during the summer. She was taking summer classes at galle! hehehe. And then we would ride home with her and Dags a lot =D wiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!!!

Wow.... Set Free pa. that was way cool. it ended too fast though, just like this year. The Prom rocked my socks too. hehehe. Danced with najee.

Oh man, P Ro left us this year. :( i guess it was really sad. But im so thankful to him for all he's done for the ministry and especially how he prepared us for his leaving. he set us up with P Beej. :D Im glad he still comes around though. I miss that guy.

Highlands with the Kuya Mark bunch. That was fun too. The animals smelled like ANIMALS! Hahaha.

Special shout outs to the following:
Luigi - What year huh? So many sabaw moments :)) and of course who could forget the summer! We just listened to the radio in the yc and texted....ummmm....ummmmm....  you know who....hahahaha....chikipapis!!!!

Nix! - I cant believe how close we got this year sis. >:D< Thanks for always listening when i need someone to talk to. :D

Najee - Yeah. haha. We actually got to talk alot lately. Ever since you started working at messiah i guess. Thanks for all fun times and all the talks about whatever it was that was bothering me :P

Lastly, shoutout to Jesus because he is my best friend, and he will always be, nothing will ever change that! haha. i need to talk to Him more. Seriously. sorry for ummmm.... yeah.... putting you on hold so long, God. :(

So i guess this is goodbye to 2007. good bye forever. cuz its gone. there's no going back. and there's no time machines yet. But even if there were i wouldnt go back cuz i mgiht mess it up. and then i'd screw up the space time continuum or whatever. :))

See you all in 2008! Let's make somemore awesome memories!

Sorry if this blog is kinda super all over the place and a bit wierd. It's 1:20 in the morning na eh :P :P :P


  1. Yey! You wrote one after all! haha and my name's there :)) hehe

  2. YAY FOR YOU MATTYYYY!!! =DDD You made my year all that greater! =D

  3. I'm not here. :| Fine Matt. FIIIINE.

  4. Crap! I forgot to add DEANE!!! :(( Sooooooooorry! Wait wait.. I'll Edit. :P

  5. WAHAHAHAHAHA!!woooooooot!!=D i knew there was more than met the eye.go WEFF!!XD weeeeeee!!!=D
    thanks for including me bra.=P

  6. Yaaaay! :) Have a good '08 kuya!!! :)

  7. Hahaha Matt, I don't want to comment nemore, it's 1:20 in the morning. Just want to say thanks for the great great year with the great great memories and events. wee. God bless ya Matt! :)
