Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Cellphone Survey!!!

~~Get your cellphone beside you~~

1. How many contacts do you have?
123 i think

2. Who do you text the most?
hmmmm...probably didi. when we both have unli :P

3. Who do you text but never replies?
I dont text the people who dont reply!

4. Who ALWAYS replies to your texts?
hmmmm... no one is 100%

5. Who did you text last?

6. Who's number did you get last?
someone from set free list thingy. cuz the person was texting me so i directoried her muna. hahaha.

7. Whats the oldest text you have in your inbox?
May 18 2007. something from nix.

8. How often do you clear your inbox?
i don't.

9. Who was the last person you called?
Maow...but my phone says arrow wahahaha. miscall.

10.  What was the last song played on your phone? 
Cant play songs on my phone :((

11. What does the third most recent text in your inbox say and who is it from?
"Aw, matty, want me to hang out? :)" -najee

12. How many phones have you had?

13. Do you like your phone right now?
its alright. better than the other ones.

14. What is your wallpaper?
A pic of my envelope on the FT board.

15. What is your screansaver?

16. What is your ringtone?
Ring tone.... it's called Buggin. Hahaha.

17. Why did you buy your current phone?
Parents bought it for me cuz my Nokia broke. so sad.

18. What was the last picture you took using your phone?
Najee in the elevator leaning on the mirror. :p

19. What time do you usually text?
i dont text much eh. if im texting didi, than anytime in the day cuz she's homeschooled naman also. haha. i dont really text na eh.

20. Where do you have no signal?
ummmm. i dunno. i always have signal. not so much in the elevator of AIC.

21. Who texts you the most?
Like replies? not sure. If its like them first, i dunno also. Ate chette! hahaha. or Mark... or Maow... hahaha so loser!!!!!!!!

22. Did you ever make your crush your wallpaper/screansaver?
Yepz! RJ almost saw it once! haha.

23. Do you like the games on your phone?
Whack-A-Mole is alright. :p

24. Do you have any scandals in your phone?
A few... sleeping pics of people hahaha.

25. What Model is your phone?
no idea.

26. Have you memorized your number?
i dunno pa. sorta. not really.

27. Do you have a phone strap? What's its design?
i dont have.

28. How many texts do you send everyday?
Depends. Sometimes i dont text.

29. The 10th message in your inbox, who is it from?

30. Who do you want to text right now?
No one really. Ym nalang. :p it's free pa.

31. If you want to text that person, why dont you?


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