Wednesday, October 22, 2008


YeY! I get to blog! :D (well actually this is my way of prolonging finishing my paper)

Anyway, finals has been good so far :D I think im doing really well :) but actually, when im at school my mind isnt. My mind is still at church :)) I text people ever free time i have :P yeaaaaaaaah. i miss church. church fun. not just the work work work ministry part. I miss the bonding part. I guess tahts why camp was so cool. We got to bond without worrying about ministry.

My relationship with God has gotten much better.Been reading my Bible every day. Started at the begining. :D I realized today how gracious God was even when Adam and Eve sinned. God even clothed them. yeah :). been praying a lot too. the real "talking to God" prayer this time :D been committing a lot of situations to Him. Been praying for some stuff that's hard for me to pray for. but i Just want whatever His will is. so the same so maybe that's His will for now :P

what else? i havent blogged na in forver.

Oh, i was reading some emal conversations i had during the summer. about the mal situation ;) hahaha. im glad im not caught up in that na. and yeah. yeah. sorry. no one gets what im talking about except najee and maybe nix. :P

OK. Lastly! i cant wait for sem break :D

Till next time.

-Matt V.1     \|n/


  1. =D That made me really proud of you. =3

    And I remember mal. =3 I can't believe you read up on it again. xD Must've been tough. xD I think we're both quite happy dappy lappy fwappy to be out of those things already. xDD

