Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Saturday to Monday (for me)

Friday i just finished finals. I guess i was really tired cuz i didn't sleep well the whole week cuz of studying and stuff. and the fact the i slept like 2 hours on saturday night (camp) didnt help.

i woke up and i felt like i couldnt get out of bed. Was soooooooooo tired but i knew i had to go to church. I was helping out with the adults missions seminar. So i got there and sat with minneli, ate ces, and racky at the reg booth. I saw some of my classmates: june, kezi, michael, and kevin. They were at the messiah booth. Then later, i was assigned to handle this break out group. I had to introduce the speaker and stuff. it started late and went over-time. 40 minutes over time. I kept signaling him that time was up and he kept saying it was almost the end na. dang. 40 mins. :)) i was actually praying for patience na cuz i couldnt take it. :P But eventually it ended.

Then, i guess God answered one of my prayers. When i was in ministop with jel, aia and sjay showed up. aia was like, "matt, i have bad news" in the back of my head i knew what she was gonna say. hahaha. I was so amazed at how fast God works :P So she told me she couldnt go to the outreach na. Then later, God answered another prayer. Ate ces told me that someone donated 70 chicken joys for the outreach the net day. We had been stressing over the budget for forever na and God just answered it just like that. He's so good talaga :D

The soft launch was great. I helpped the band bring down equipment and stuff so that was fun. But yeah, im excited for upgrade na. :D After that i went to dinner with sjay, andie, and a bunch. The three of us ate at amazing cones (cuz i finally have money) hahaha. it was goooood. :D Najee was there too. we talked a bit. She taught us some mean stuff in french that we said to saki :))

I was supposed to introduce at myrna and lead the second offering. But again i couldnt get out of bed. was so tired. haha. But i forced myself cuz its for God naman. PH worked both into his sermon na so i didnt have to do them afterall. I helpped cut flyers for the upgrade tho. Then ate ces and I too ate myrna out to lunch. Ate rhods came too. We went to Mangan. It was wierd. :)) I didnt like the food much but it was ok. their iced tea actuially tasted like real tea :)) During lunch, we talked about missions i guess cuz its what we all have in common. hahaha. But yeah. we talked about how God called each of us :P MAde start thinking about what missions stuff ill be doing in the future. hehe.

Then ate ces and i went to buy materials. We bought crayons, and stuff. bought a thank you card for ate myrna. then we bought cake. haha. maaaaaaaan, i was so tired na. But to be a good boy, i went to worship AG. it was fun naman. then after that i glued all the cards for the outreach the next day.dave helpped me too. Then i sat with najee and vesper. didnt stay tho cu i was really tired na. I slept a little bit early that night cuz the outreach was finally the next day.

I woke up early and prepared everything. last minute texts and all. everything actually went smoothly :D So the team was me, najee, ate ces, dave, tim v, jeff, mommy k, PH, ate prinstine, P Eug, Jamie, Racky, Jairah, Kim, Jon, and Strong. Wow. hahaha. the kids there were so cute :P i felt really bad for those who had to bring IVs with them. :( but yeah. Stanley was cool. hahaha. he right away attacked all of us with a godzilla toy :)) amazing. The skit went well. PH's message went well. coloring weent well. it all went well. hahaha. Jai got sick tho. but she was ok naman afterwards. It was one of the more enjoyable outreaches for me :) I guess i was just so blessed by the person who donated, mommy k, kim, and racky who did the gospel bracelets, kate and racjy who did the cards, dave who helpped me glue it, and everyone else who helped out. it just went really well :D

After that, najee and i had our date :D It was cool. We bonded for like 4 hours. hehehe. First we went to starbucks. she ordered a vanila frap and i had a mocha one. mine was bigger than her's so we said it was us. cuz of the size and color hahaha. we talked about relationships. i didnt really want to. She kinda pried about who i liked and obviously i didnt tell her. I acceidentally kinda lied by reflex that i didnt feel "that way" about her. dang. I felt bad about that but i couldnt take it back na or correct myself. I still feel bad about it.
edit: Jefferson Tan: regarding relationships
Jefferson Tan:
baby_webhead: i...dodged
baby_webhead: i told her i didnt want to say
baby_webhead: and yeah...i kinda lied by acceident
Jefferson Tan: kinda lied how?
Jefferson Tan: she was so vain and asked "me?"
baby_webhead: no...she was like..."matt, you're making me suspicious of something"
baby_webhead: and i was like, "what? that its you?"
baby_webhead: and then she was like "yeah"
baby_webhead: and then...yeah
baby_webhead: that
baby_webhead: but i was scared
Jefferson Tan: u said no?
baby_webhead: seriously i felt like if i told her she would have just walked out on me right then and there
baby_webhead: i said, "i dont feel THAT way about you but..."
baby_webhead: and then she said "then who is it?"
baby_webhead: and then i told her i didnt want to say
After that we went to time zone and she kicked my butt at air hockey...like always =)). we tried stacker too. then we went to toys r us and looked at barbies :))...then tom's. at tom's we saw this spidey dolls. so we tried to win them. we tried and tried. Spent 1:20 all together :)) no luck. najee was frustrated but i actually had a lot of fun doing it:D. maaaaaaan. i dunno. it was awesome. she was pretty. hahaha. then we went to the bookstore..i keep forgetting the name. :P we looked at books. and talked about stuff. yeah. she told me she might be going to bible school after college and that i should pray for her about it. after college, im probably doing something in missions. man. our lives could be drifting apart fast. i dunno. It's up to God nalang. whatever he wants. I pray about her a lot too lately. ive been praying that he'd take my feelings for her away IF she wasnt right for me. so far im still "in love" so i dunno what that means. hehehe. :X We ended up in the gcf lobby waiting for her dad. We took pics and stuff. Man. amazing day.

I guess im just so thankful to God for everything these past days. Im looking forward to what He's going to do in my life next. :D

Till next time


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