Sunday, October 12, 2008

Missions Outreach

I was thinking about our outreach on the 27th. It was supposed to be on the 25th, and we had like 18 volunteers na. We only needed 15. But then i found out that we moved it to the 27th so make way for the missions seminar. All of a sudden no one could make it. I think we're like 9 nalang. :(

Then i found out it was my dad who asked for it to be moved. I dunno why, but i just felt really sad about it. I actually cried about it before going to sleep. I felt like he put my project at the expense of his (the missions seminar). But, i know we're both serving God. It's not our projects, but God's projects. And i know that whoever can make it to mine are the ones that God wants to be there. I've been praying about it a lot now...i know it was just announced, and it's still on the 27th, but ive been praying about it a lot. I have to send in the names of the volunteers by tonight. they want names na. So im praying someone texts me today that they can come too. But again, it's up to God. I know GOd is also using this to build my faith in Him. If everything always went my way, i wouldnt learn to depend on Him.

So im just waiting now. Committing everything to Him because He has all the control and i have none. He can do everything and i can do nothing. Im just trusting God for the best.


  1. if they didn't move it then i definately won't be able to go.. i was kinda hoping that they could move it. cause i know two others who are willing to go too if they find a ride. :) bee happy Matt. :) you're right, God has a plan for everything, and it's His projects, not yours. you know He will provide. :)

  2. heyheyhey i'm in! did you send in my name?
