Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It's gonna be valentines tomorrow

What am i gonna do? I'm home all day? Is it supposed to be a special day? cuz it's never been one for me. Starting to feel a bit left out cuz i know it's supposed to be a fun day.  But i dunno.

What will i do tomorrow?

Here's my prediction: I'll wake up, eat lunch/breakfast and then do school. I'll watch MTV (they're doing this "emo love songs for losers who dont have dates on valentines" -aka me- thing) and then maybe listen to some of my own music. then i'll watch Raw and Smackdown replays at 4. then maybe i'll text people then cook dinner. then...that's it. eat, sleep. end of day!

I kinda dislike valentines right now... But i'm sure if i had someone i would love it! hahaha.

here are some hearts for no reason - <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

hmmmmmmm. is there anything else to say right now?

hmmmmmmmmm. i got nothing. sorry, there hasn't been much to blog about lately.

Maybe i'll have some stories after the prom thingy.

That's it guys


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