Friday, February 2, 2007

Life: the only game with no cheat codes

If could say everything, i would. But i can't. It's not even one situation. THere are several. And it's killing me right now. I dont think saying it would solve anything either. I'd probably make things worse. But can i live with things the way they are now? no. i can't. So what am i gonna do? That's the same question i ask myself before i sleep every night. What am i going to do about everything?


Najee is right. Why do guys like me like to talk in riddles? maybe it's cuz i'm hoping some of you can figure them out.

God, please help me not to do anything stupid.  Help me to fix these things, or help me to accept them.


  1. Want an answer Matt? You got it, you know the answer, but sometimes we don't want to do it because it is hard, and it does not feel like anything. But we all know that THAT is the answer! Yea, I talk in riddles to huh? Well, I know you got it already, but just incase... think 'intimate relationship'. God bless Matt! Ü

  2. Yeah i know jeff. I'm gonna work on that this week. 1 problem down. 1 to go. and 1 i will try to forget because i am not solving it! haha. Right angel?

  3. Shame Jeff shame! haha joke... You'r confusing me Matt, but sure! Go ahead! haha :D I'll support you, just not on your "dreams" *cough cough* :D

  4. I dont get what you are talking about jeff! hahaha. Yeah, i don't support my "dream" either! :P

  5. Nothing! Just a little 'debate' terms... shame and here(? i dunno the spelling :)) )... haha :D Go Matt!
